GANZY $HIT Comics: Before Christ
This mini comic series highlights authentic conversations behind the makings of Before Christ visual presentation. Is it safe to say Black people can misappropriate cultures within Black communities?
At the intersection of race and gender, B.C. sheds light on the identities of two Black women who are gang members – D-Rose, a Blood and Moe, a Crip – in Greensboro, North Carolina. The visuals of B.C. amplifies Black womens’ beauty and fashion aesthetics, and celebrates their rich contributions to Black culture. Too often Black women in gang culture are left out of the conversation.
We hear about Black men and their involvement in the gangs, but we rarely hear how supportive Black women are even in gang culture. Black women’s roles in gang culture contributes to the family structures for social growth. Gang culture is more than colors, hand signs, or sections in hoods. Gang culture is family, protection, and love often led by Black women too.
Ganzy $hit Comic is an alternative comic installation consisting of mini comic issues that project unique and cool representations of Blackness at the face of racial injustices in America, and exclusion within Black culture. Ganzy $hit Comic will shed light on authentic experiences of our everyday lives.

GANZY $HIT Comics: Before Christ
This mini comic series highlights authentic conversations behind the makings of Before Christ visual presentation. Is it safe to say Black people can misappropriate cultures within Black communities?
At the intersection of race and gender, B.C. sheds light on the identities of two Black women who are gang members – D-Rose, a Blood and Moe, a Crip – in Greensboro, North Carolina. The visuals of B.C. amplifies Black womens’ beauty and fashion aesthetics, and celebrates their rich contributions to Black culture. Too often Black women in gang culture are left out of the conversation.
We hear about Black men and their involvement in the gangs, but we rarely hear how supportive Black women are even in gang culture. Black women’s roles in gang culture contributes to the family structures for social growth. Gang culture is more than colors, hand signs, or sections in hoods. Gang culture is family, protection, and love often led by Black women too.
Ganzy $hit Comic is an alternative comic installation consisting of mini comic issues that project unique and cool representations of Blackness at the face of racial injustices in America, and exclusion within Black culture. Ganzy $hit Comic will shed light on authentic experiences of our everyday lives.

GANZY $HIT Comics: Before Christ

GANZY $HIT Comics: Before Christ

GANZY $HIT Comics: Before Christ

GANZY $HIT Comics: Before Christ

GANZY $HIT Comics: Before Christ

GANZY $HIT Comics: Before Christ

GANZY $HIT Comics: Before Christ